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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many individuals are there in Central Mississippi with limited abilities?
A: In the Central Mississippi school system we have approximately 8,300 children with some form of disability, but the overall number of individuals with limited abilities in our area is unknown.

Q: What is the purpose behind The Miracle League of Central Mississippi?  

AThe Miracle League of Central Mississippi is designed to give individuals with physical and/or developmental challenges the opportunity to play baseball in a safe, inclusive and welcome environment.

Q: How is a Miracle League different from other recreational facilities?
A. The Miracle League builds specialized rubber fields that are latex free, completely flat, and have no barriers. Our field allows easy access for wheelchairs, canes, walkers, crutches, and prosthetic limbs.  The dugouts allow extra space for equipment as well as protective shade.

Q: Is the Miracle League just for kids?

A: The Miracle League is designed for anyone who has developmental and/or physical challenges that prevent them from playing in a typical league.  Children, youth and adults with disabilities will benefit from playing on the Miracle League Field.

Q: Why is a Miracle League important to Central Mississippi?
A: There are very few outdoor recreational or athletic opportunities for children and young adults with moderate to severe disabilities in the Jackson Metro area.  The Miracle League is the first of its kind in Central Mississippi.  There are currently no other fully accessible fields in our area for those with limited abilities to play baseball or other adaptive sports. With a Miracle League field in Central Mississippi, everyone can play together and individuals with limited abilities will no longer be left out!

Q: Will families be involved?

AYes! Family members will get to watch as their loved ones get the chance to play! They’ll also have the opportunity to work in fundraisers, serve as team leaders, and participate in activities between games.

Q: Can people without limited abilities participate in The Miracle League?

AYes! We’ll need volunteers, coaches, and Buddies who serve as assistants to players during games, to help in hitting the ball, running the bases and field, and having fun with our players!

Q: How does The Miracle League of Central Mississippi accommodate all players?
A: The Miracle League of Central Mississippi accommodates all players by using adaptive equipment, such as a tee for hitting the baseball and Buddies for swinging the bat.  The complex has accessible parking and restroom facilities.

Q: If I donate, is it tax deductible?
A: Yes! All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. The Miracle League of Central Mississippi is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Funds are used to build the facility and provide ongoing support for the league.


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